Friday, August 27, 2010

Marathon Setup

I Got an opportunity to explore Marathon tool for automated testing. I found Marathon is good tool to automate Java application (Only Jar files) with little dependency :)

Marathon works like IDE so we only need to install is Java to run our application. So just download Marathon setup from and unzip it to your willing location. Once you run marathon.bat file it will allow you to create new project. Fill up the required field with your Jar file path and start automating your application. Marathon allows you to use either Ruby or Python to script.

What I told so far is described on Marathon official site so what this blog post is about? Ok then check below the real time scenario.

Now I found a problem to setup individual machine for number of Automation resources and let them work at the same time on same codebase. Solution of this problem is to break down marathon setup so that I can set it up on server and check into the subversion. By doing this we can checkout code from Repository and start writing automation script.

So I create new directory structure as per my need. Find below very basic structure to make Marathon work:

- Marathon
1. build – build files
2. lib – copy Jar and jython from extracted Marathon source
• vldocking_2.1.5C.jar
• rmi-lite.jar
• sampleapp.jar
• marathon-runtime.jar
• marathon-ruby.jar
• marathon-python.jar
• marathon.jar
• looks-2.2.0.jar
• junit.jar
• jline-0.9.93.jar
• jedit-textArea.jar
• jaccess-examples.jar
• jaccess.jar
• forms-1.2.1.jar
• copy Jython directory version is 2.2 in my case
3. TestCases – regression test scripts
4. RegressionReport – regression report location (You can pass this location as an argument.)
5. Copy Marathon.bat

Double click on Marathon.bat to run Marathon ide. You will get an expected error because we have changed Jar’s location. Let’s change configuration of marathon.
Open Marathon.bat into notepad and change the “CLASSPATH” as per expected location.

%DIST% - is the location where you Marathon file resides.

So change all Jar file location to the right path (lib/). Now Marathon.bat
